Pryaas : Project Requiring Your Assistance And Support

Tasty Dairy Specialties Ltd is carrying out Corporate Social Responsibilities since 2008 by the name of PRYAAS & AADHAR.. Recently, the company decided to carry on its service activities in a planned and methodical way and this gave birth to Pryaas Foundation. Pryaas Foundation is a name of effort for society welfare focused on improved quality of life through improvement of health, education, women empowerment, environmental sanitation and other required activities.
We are carrying out social activities since 2008 and have been serving the society on various platforms. After four years of service, the need for an organised effort arose so that it can be done in a better way and in a bigger area. Also, this example can be a source of encouragement for others to replicate, thus resulting in an increased thrust towards service to humanity. To accomplish this vision we finally got recognition as a Registered Society: PRYAAS FOUNDATION on 2nd November 2012 with the Registrar of Society, Kanpur. We are now awaiting registration under IT act and as an N.G.O.
"We believe to do small efforts and it can change the world"
- Mother Teresa